Fifteen minutes before I was on, Minnesota Senator, Amy Klobuchar, announced she’s running for president. Senator Klobuchar recently tweeted about a bug with Apple Facetime, the iPhone app for video calls.
The iPhone FaceTime bug that allowed callers to eavesdrop on its users is a clear violation of consumers’ privacy protections & a reminder of why we need comprehensive privacy legislation. Our first step should be passing my privacy bill w @SenJohnKennedy
Senator Amy Klobuchar, 8:10 AM US Central time (GMT-6), 30 Jan 2019, Twitter
We talked about lots of other stuff, but since she just announced her candidacy, this seemed like a good place to start. It’s a shame she used a software bug as her example of misbehavior when there are so many good examples she could have chosen.
Our talk starts at 33:15 in the podcast below. Enjoy.

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