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Dell Shafts its Own People

For the latest in big company insanity, look to the recent Dell scheme to get rid of employees who work remotely. I snapped this picture while fighting rush-hour traffic in May, 2004. Now, Dell employees can look forward to more traffic fun. Dell has undergone quite...

An Ugly Side of Traditional Publishing

This story illustrates how the power dynamics in the traditional publishing industry are out of whack. I doubt this will change any time soon. As I write this in late May, 2023, I’m querying my new novel, Traffic School. For people outside the publishing...

When a Madman Controls the Checks and Balances

Like billions of people around the world, I watched a madman direct the Russian military to crush Ukraine on Wednesday evening, Feb. 22, 2022. As I compose this on Friday morning, Feb. 25 US Central time, Russian soldiers are fighting across Ukraine while millions of...