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Holes 4 Heroes, Jan. 31, 2015

Here is a hilarious video from Camp Buehring, Kuwait.  A few Minnesota members of the US Army 34th Combat Aviation Brigade put this together to help celebrate Holes for Heroes 2015.  Ice fishing in Kuwait?? Minnesota creativity at its finest, eh! Yah, shuure, YEUU betcha.

It’s in the history books now.  Here are a few highlight pictures from the top of frozen Medicine Lake in Plymouth, Minnesota, USA.

Holes for Heroes sunny setup day, Friday Jan. 30, 2015.


Emcee, Mike “Cold Front” Kurre keeps it lively.


Holes for Heroes 2015. Tom Goodrich on the radio on the ice.


Holes for Heroes 2015 nerve center. Yup, that floor really is ice. IT people really do walk on (frozen) water for this event.


My grandson, Elijah, keeping warm on top of the ice. Holes for Heroes 2015.

Holes 4 Heroes 2016

Holes 4 Heroes 2014