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Star Trek and Aunt Billy and me

Sometimes inconsequential events in our lives stand out later as important milestones. I was nine years old in fourth grade In November, 1966, when I watched my very first Star Trek episode, The Corbormite Maneuver. I wasn’t old enough to join NASA and explore...

My Publishing Journey as of August, 2023

I’ve avoided writing blog posts about my own publishing journey because, well, nobody cares. But maybe my mistakes, woops, experiences, will help other writers. So, here goes. Memoir My publishing journey started with my thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, August...

The Power of Positive Thinking. And other Happy Hogwash

The world is awash in self-help books on the power of positive thinking. If we fill our minds with positive thoughts and treat everyone kindly, then good things will happen to us. So, smile the bad stuff away because tomorrow will be a brand new day. If only it were...

Post 9/11, 2001 Awarded Me the Privilege of a Lifetime

The Wisconsin National Guard gave me this flag and case for helping with the Tailgating with the Troops event in October, 2009. Like all Americans old enough to remember Tuesday, 9/11, 2001, I know where I was that morning. I had scheduled a 9:00 AM Microsoft...

DEC – Digital Equipment Corporation – RIP

In 1987, Digital Equipment Corporation – DEC – was the second-largest computer company in the world, behind IBM. DEC started losing money in 1989, mass layoffs started shortly after that, and in 1998, Compaq bought the remains. Which wasn’t much. In...

Mrs. Will

Inez Elementary School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, from Google Maps in 2020 – a long time after 1966. This looks like the school where I started fourth grade. If so, then Mom and I lived in one of the houses to the right of the green field. Google Street View...