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When appeals for compassion generate hate

In Matthew 22:36-40, New International Version, Jesus makes a case for compassion. We should maybe consider listening more closely. 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all...

Facebook Ad Phishing

Last Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025, I learned how to post a Facebook ad. Yes, I know I do technology for a living, and I’m sure I could have figured out what buttons to click on my own to set up an ad, but marketing is still foreign to me and I have no idea what makes...

Dave’s Best Buy computer horror story

My phone rang the Saturday morning before Christmas, 2024, and I met Dave, a friend of a friend. Dave’s old desktop computer had died and he bought a new Windows 11 Dell Inspiron desktop from Best Buy, but he could not connect to the internet and could not load...

Star Trek and Aunt Billy and me

Sometimes inconsequential events in our lives stand out later as important milestones. I was nine years old in fourth grade In November, 1966, when I watched my very first Star Trek episode, The Corbormite Maneuver. I wasn’t old enough to join NASA and explore...

TransUnion credit phishing

Somebody impersonating TransUnion wants to steal my login credentials. This phishing attack works because I froze my credit with the major credit reporting agencies a few months ago after somebody with details on my credit history tried to scam me with a phone...

A SYN flood DDoS attack up close and personal

I had heard about different DDoS attacks, including SYN flood attacks, for a long time. In fact, I got serious about cybersecurity in November, 2000 after I found my internet-facing DNS server an unwitting part a DDoS attack against the government of Brazil. In a DDoS...

Facebook phishing

This Facebook phishing sample earns points for creativity. Create a Facebook profile named, “Deadline in 20 Hours: Additional Details Requested 91718809.” The number at the end gives it that official look. Nice touch. Go after author Facebook pages and...