From early 1997 into early 2002, I wrote the NT Heartland back page column in ENT Magazine. I’m grateful to the Wayback Machine website at archive.org for preserving copies of most of these columns. I have unpublished drafts for the columns below not archived. I also wrote a few special articles for ENT. Those are at the bottom.
The pre-2002 columns came from this archive of back issues. I also found this list of all my NT Heartland columns. Some of the links are dead. The last few columns came from the July 2002 ENT Magazine Greg Scott page archive. During this period, ENT went to all Digital and eventually merged with Redmond Channel Partner Magazine.
- Righting the Registry, ENT Magazine, March 5, 1997
- Sometimes They’re Good, But Sometimes , ENT Magazine, March 19, 1997
- Waxing Philosophical: What Is Excellence?, ENT Magazine, April 9, 1997
- A Viable Alternative to Intel? ENT Magazine, April 23, 1997
- “Damn It, Jim, I’m a person, not a resource!” , ENT Magazine, May 7, 1997
- Whisper Down the Lane , ENT Magazine, May 21, 1997
- The Ideal Consulting Company, ENT Magazine, June 11, 1997
- A Dad’s Brutal Internet Lesson, ENT Magazine, June 25, 1997
- Behind the Scalability Curtain, ENT Magazine, July 16, 1997
- Reader Advice, ENT Magazine, August 20, 1997
- The Perfect Customer, ENT Magazine, Sept. 10, 1997
- Earning the E for Enterprise, ENT Magazine, Sept. 24, 1997
- Enlightened Self-Interest, ENT Magazine, Oct. 8, 1997
- A Slap in the Face, ENT Magazine, Oct. 22, 1997
- Is Digital Surrendering?, ENT Magazine, Nov. 19, 1997
- Ruminations About Getting Older, ENT Magazine, Dec. 17, 1997
- Skinny Bald Guy Visits IBM, ENT Magazine, Jan. 14, 1998
- Spin Control on Digital, Alpha, and Intel, ENT Magazine, Feb. 4, 1998
- Should Consulting Companies Sell Products?, ENT Magazine, Feb. 18, 1998
- How It All Started, ENT Magazine, March 4, 1998
- Ruining a Good Company, ENT Magazine, March 18, 1998
- Databases and Scalability, ENT Magazine, April 8, 1998
- Consultants Selling Products, April 22, 1998
- NT Scaling: Another View, May 6, 1998
- Let’s Talk About Ownership, May 20, 1998
- Cough Syrup and Computers, June 10, 1998
- On Becoming a Manager, June 24, 1998
- Buying a T1 Connection, July 15, 1998
- A Windows 98 story, August 12, 1998 (ESJ)
- Support Local User Groups, Sept. 10, 1998
- Parallelism, Sept. 23, 1998
- Recruiting Rules for the Road, Oct. 7, 1998
- PC Economics, Oct, 21, 1998
- An NT Horror Story, Nov. 4, 1998
- Culture Clash, Nov. 18. 1998 (ESJ)
- A Lesson in Psychology, Dec. 9, 1998
- NT without NT, Jan, 6, 1999
- Biting the Hand …, Jan. 20, 1999
- To Clone or Not to Clone?, Feb, 3, 1999
- The Downside of IT, Feb. 17, 1999
- A Real Y2K Solution, March 10, 1999 (ESJ)
- Open Systems, Huh?, March 24, 1999
- Are Consultants Heroes or Horrors?, April 7, 1999
- Learning How to Learn, April 21, 1999
- We’re Not Pioneers Anymore, May 5, 1999
- Technical Bigotry, May 19, 1999
- Get Over It, June 9, 1999
- Managing a Crisis, June 23, 1999
- Same Ol’, Same Ol’ , July 19, 1999
- A Humbling Ordeal, August 18, 1999
- A Taste of My Own Medicine – Sept. 8, 1999 (ESJ)
- What Happened to Scott Consulting, Sept. 22, 1999 (ESJ)
- Attitude Adjustment, Oct. 6, 1999
- IT on a Stick, Oct. 20, 1999
- Tough Lessons, Nov. 3, 1999
- Taking Down NT on Alpha, Nov. 17, 1999 (ESJ)
- Supply and Demand Imbalance, Dec. 8, 1999
- Starting From Scratch, Jan. 12, 2000
- Alpha and the ISPs, Feb. 9, 2000
- Get Some More Hats. Feb. 23, 2000
- Complicated Matters, March 8, 2000
- All About W2K, March 22, 2000
- High Tech Mecca, April 12, 2000
- E-Bidding, April 26, 2000 (ESJ)
- The Things People Do, May 10, 2000
- No Free Lunch, May 24, 2000
- Virus Defense, June 14, 2000 (ESJ)
- The Times are a Changin’, June 28, 2000
- Big Heads, Big Trouble, July 19, 2000
- The Way Things Work, Aug. 16, 2000
- Mutually Exclusive Goals, Sept. 6, 2000
- Animal Psychology, Sept. 20, 2000
- Bad Vibes, Oct. 11, 2000
- Pruning the Branches, Oct, 25, 2000
- Maybe Not Mutually Exclusive Goals, Nov. 8, 2000 (ESJ)
- Lovely spam, Nov. 22, 2000
- Putting on the Breaks, Dec. 13, 2000
- Small vs. Big, Jan. 29, 2001 (ESJ)
- Hang ’em High, Feb. 26, 2001
- Adjusting to Adversity, March 26, 2001
The publication dates below, after ENT went to all digital, are wrong. My guess is, the actual dates are about one year earlier than the listed publication dates.
- An Unsettling Settlement, April 7, 2002 (Nov or Dec 2001?)
- Deja-Vu All Over Again, July 20, 2002
- Missing the Boat, Sept. 1, 2002 (Really May, 2001?)
- Alpha, HP, and Antitrust Appeals, May 8, 2003
ENT Special Reports
Security Controversy Sparks NT Debate, May 7, 1997
Security experts, reporters and pundits across the industry continue to engage in a highly charged debate over purported flaws in Windows NT security. The latest round of claims and counterclaims pits researchers against the press, and vendor against vendor, and fills cyberspace with electronic hot air. It all started when Jeremy Allison, with Cygnus Solutions (Sunnyvale, Calif.) wrote PWDUMP, a program for Windows NT System Administrators to display partially decrypted Windows NT passwords for use with the UNIX Samba utility…
Greg’s GAMBLE: A Study in Dependable Computing, Oct. 8, 1997
Ah, Minnesota, land of 17,000 lakes and more new casinos than a skinny bald guy can count. For a discussion of computer dependability, Minnesota needs one more hypothetical casino. Let’s call it Greg’s Automated Money-BLowing Empire (GAMBLE)…

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