by Greg Scott | Dec 21, 2018 | Memoir
As my mom, my fiancé, Tina, and I approached the Mai Tai restaurant in Excelsior, Minnesota, Mom said, “Let me do the talking.” It was spring, 1978 and Mom’s 51st birthday was a couple months away. She looked like an aging Hollywood diva. A maître d behind a podium...
by Greg Scott | Oct 5, 2018 | Memoir
When Doug Bean brought me a pretzel snack pack, I was suspicious of that first pretzel stick. Grownups always wanted me to try some new food and I almost always regretted it. But Doug promised—just try one, and if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have to eat any more. And...
by Greg Scott | Aug 19, 2018 | Memoir
Year 41 starts Sunday evening, August 19, 2018. To my wife, Tina – happy 40th wedding anniversary and thanks for staying married to me all these years. I remember these two young people from 1976. We were in my college dorm room in this picture. This had...
by Greg Scott | Nov 8, 2017 | Memoir
It was the summer between fourth and fifth grade, in Phoenix, Arizona. By the time fourth grade ended, I was on my tenth school, including kindergarten. Four in the fourth grade alone. Fifth grade would be the first time I started a new school year in the same school...
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