by Greg Scott | Jul 27, 2020 | Cybersecurity, Technology
Today’s smart home devices are more sophisticated and more dangerous than any consumer device ever invented. Here, in part 1, I’ll show a few things to consider when shopping for a security camera, thermostat, door lock, baby monitor, kitchen appliance, or...
by Greg Scott | May 23, 2020 | Slice of Life, Technology
If I catch COVID-19, somebody needs to contact everyone I’ve contacted over the prior couple weeks so they can take appropriate action. This is called contact tracing, and we have 21st century technology to help. As we emerge from our global pandemic shelters, I...
by Greg Scott | May 3, 2020 | Slice of Life, Technology
This is a story about the time a few people decided to KCA. KCA – Kick COVID (with Attitude). Or fill in your own word for A. I work for a software company named Red Hat in my day-job. No, it’s not a ladies hat society; anyone who turns on a light, streams...
by Greg Scott | May 1, 2020 | Slice of Life, Technology
I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, but I know cyberbullying when I see it. I want to thank artist and fellow author, Sherry West, for standing up to cyberbullies apparently trying to destroy her work. Here is her website. Here is another website about her...
by Greg Scott | Apr 3, 2020 | Cybersecurity, Slice of Life, Technology
Our tax dollars at work. Once again, powerful members of the US Government are pushing another well-intentioned, but sneaky and dangerous bill on the public. This one claims to encourage interactive computer service providers to do their part to curb online child...
by Greg Scott | Mar 23, 2020 | Slice of Life, Technology
If we can connect people on a frozen lake, surely we can also do it from homes. The first week of our national corona quarantine was March 14 – 21, 2020, and I ran into too much defeatism. Here’s an example. Take a look at this AP analysis article that...
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