Want to know the real insult with this email? It’s legitimate. I checked the email header and it really did come from Facebook. The “Turn on Facebook Protect” button really does go to Facebook. That’s right. Facebook sent me this notice and it looks like a run of the mill phishing scam, complete with a threat and a deadline if I don’t follow instructions.
Yes, of course I tried to report it from inside my Facebook account. Too bad the “submit” button doesn’t submit anything. I’ll keep looking for a way to contact real people inside Facebook.
Is it any wonder the public doesn’t know who to trust? C’mon Facebook. You gotta do better than this.
What should Facebook do differently? How about, don’t put in a click-here button. Offer instructions for now to navigate to it from inside my Facebook account.
I should give this one an F-. I know there’s no such thing as an F minus, but we should invent one to cover rinky-dink sloppiness.
For more phishing samples, see my phish collection.

The “Turn on Facebook Protect” button is legitimate. It points to this screen.

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